Friday, October 8, 2010

Blasts at 2 Sufi Shrines

The evil continues. Two more shrines in Karachi were bombed today,courtesy of the frightened and ignorant who fear Love and Light, and who scurry in the corner like vermin,or send children strapped with explosives or illiterate peasants to do their dark work. The Forces of Darkness cannot win,will not win.Love will overcome.We pray for the victims,the children,and the perpetrators,who are being led astray by sick twisted minds and souls.My they all begin to learn the Love of God .May God be merciful with them,Lord hear our prayer...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Mets

I have been a NY Mets fan since I was 5 years old. I attended my first game, in 1965,the night they announced Casey Stengel's retirement. I do not know ho many games I have actually attended without ever having a season pass of any kind[hundreds }.I remember Wes Westrum and Sheriff Parker,Joe the Cobra Frazier and George[where the hell is the exit} Bamberger. I actually saw Willie Mays play for the Giants [SF} and the Mets. I was at a number of games in 69 and 73[and all the intervening years] I have worn my Mets shirts though thin and thinner, accepting the taunts of Yengee "fans" as one would catcalls at a republican convention: a badge of honor .I wept and got loaded when Seaver was traded, cried when Lindsey nelson and Murph passed, cheered when M Donald Grant sold the team he helped to destroy with such ease.So much for my Bona Fides. Watching another losing season with the ever dwindling number of fans, then seeing the truly bizarre press conference between the Wilpons[ons{I like Fred, his son, well, think Bush jr,Franklin Graham, for examples of not too bright men siring veritable morons.}Now, the bullshit that was thrown reminded me of the art exhibit at Bklyn Museum where the pictures were smeared with Dung.No thing, as in nothing will come of this. It is the bankers saying[in between guffaws] that they have learned their lesson.It is the republicans talking about unemployment and the recession as if the democrats were in power all those years.It is all lies. The new Gm will be a toady who will listen to the boob son Wilpon, Wally Backman will be the ticking bomb in the clubhouse[the fiery field general.sigh.weep]nothing will change.When the mets were good and arrogant they had color[and black players, by the way]These guys quit on Clueless Willie Randolph and nice man jerry Manuel. They should hold Beltran over the Kosciusko Bridge by his heels until he pisses himself and make certain he does not ever dog it again. Reyes should get off the HGH[oh yes, Thyroid,right...} and someone should insert a foot in his ass.Wright, another nice guy who lives off of stupid pitchers,either moves in or gets traded. Nice guy, so is my neighbor, don't want him playing third base,either. No more head first slides, 10 grand each time.Too much?Tough shit.If Pagan can run out every ball, if Clemente ran out everything, and Mays and Kailine and Henry AAron did, then these mutts should, too. And hey,Keith stop the bullshit, I saw you JOG down to first base many time on infield ground balls, and leave the dugout during the 6th game in 86,so stop this ranting as if you were Lou Gehrig. Time for an overhaul.Time to stop the bad craziness.The Tragic is back