Friday, May 29, 2009


Politics is power. The ancients understood this, the ruling class always has, nutters on the right and left too, understand, whatever language they wish to cloak their putschs' in notwithstanding. Meanwhile, the sedated public, doused with television on a regular basis, sits back eating cheetos and noshing on cardboard chain goo[calling that spew pizza is insulting], ignorant of the world,its problems or even, you know reading. There is always in April a hue and cry asking"how do we get more people to read poetry?" Well, I am actually surprised at the number of people who DO read poetry, and the number who actually, you know, read! The number of independent booksellers are frighteningly low, {though I do love amazon,i confess],there were in the 1950's over 150 bookstores in manhattan alone! outside of the chains, now there are very few. I dont care if folks read romance novels or the newspaper, as long as they read. Unplug the drug! I would as mayor, increase the budget for libraries 10,000% Literally!That and for parks , pools and playgrounds schools and daycare.For Everything else ,let the bastards wrestle each other. bookmobiles to in need areas, healthmobiles to in need areas. Collge kids to do national service in inner cities during the summer.Remember the old slogan? Give a damn.

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