Saturday, September 11, 2010


A dour day historically. The weather,though,here at least, is bright, warm comfortable.Listening to Dinu Lipatti play Bach,my children are home ,some playing, others watching a baseball game. The Me ts are done, cooked,well, they were done a long time ago. The republicans are poised to set forth destroying whatever is left of the country in November. People have no jobs, and yet are hooked into the building of a mosque.Don't build it, build it,whatever,it is not the big issue.Education, jobs,the environment these are big deals.The sleight of hand constantly employed by Republicans amazes ME, AS does the reaction of the polis.Sigh.How many times do you have to get hit over the head before you realize who is hitting you?Like this fool who wanted to get famous for fifteen minutes by burning a book.Why didnt the'press' ignore this hoople and concentrate on real issues:How much does Blackwater get EVERY DAY from the debacle in IRAQ?Halliburton? why is no one investigating? DOES ANYONE CARE?IS anyone awake??????

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