Monday, September 22, 2008

The Celebration of being both greedy and stupid as a virtue

Eschewing politics in general,less then enamored with the democrats, I am stunned speechless, by the fatuousness of the republicans. Imagine a ticket that makes the last 2 look intellectual? McCain is so desperate to be president, he can and will say or do anything, anything, to be elected. I mean anything. Palin is so vacuous and vicious in her pursuit of power,her views[when she has them or is told what to say] are simply asinine,for lack of a better word. When did this country reach for the lowest possible height in elected officials? When did being intelligent become a handicap?I WANT the smartest people available to be running the country. This anti-intellectual dumbing down bgan its fruition during the Reagan know the great de-regulators .Thanks guys... I simply will not believe that the American people are this gullible or racist[if Obama were white,he would be about 15 points ahead.I know no one wants to speak about this].To quote Harry Truman"how many times do you have to get hit over the head before you realize who is hitting you?!"

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