Tuesday, July 28, 2009


living past fifty
the waves sound differently
children play nearby

Friday, July 24, 2009

idle time

the house is empty
all the children are outside
where the hell is Anne?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


sitting still is hard
playing now with your crayons
world is color blind

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One small step

...40 years on, and nothing but a shrug.Neil Armstrong has kept his dignity, while Aldrin will apparantly sell anything to anyone at anytime on an infomercial[did they pick the correct guy to go out first or what?} The general publics indifference is frightening. Here was a geunine moment to celebrate the good things of this country,before the bastards fully took control.And the celebrations were non-existent. How not to celebrate the real mission accomplished to get men on the moon and back safely in the decade of the 1960's.I have used the word celebrate too often here. It was a moment of magnificence,literally trancendental, and now apparantly forgotten. Shame on us

Monday, July 20, 2009

finger pointing

the moons reflection
no need to stare at finger
mission accomplished

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Met fan gate d haiku

Finished now
summer days are longer
Mister Met sighing


Sophie and Pescha
born this day two years ago
smiles everywhere

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


clouds ephemeral
waste of time people tell me
television on

Monday, July 13, 2009

mets haiku

Jerry Manuel
optimism waning
rain without a cloud

Friday, July 10, 2009

stones and sound

for my wifes skin soft and magical
the sound of the word daddy
uttered by one of our children
for fireflies,nasty and beautiful
the shoreline,the smell of bread
the taste of tea,of roses
hyacinths and pine needles
for the soup of poems
the luscious music
of freedom
for freedom
the symphony of the city
strange and wonder-filled
the smell of citrus fruit
and onions and peppers
a well worn chair
the perfect weight of a fountain pen
for blossoms all
apple cherry magnolia
for newspapers and bookstores
the smell of the shoemakers shop
the way my older neighbors dog walks with her
for baloons and bright colors
neon tie dyed
anything but pale
limpid sameness
for Van gogh sun and fields
and Pollock controlling
chaos of colors
wind through leaves
the smell of rain
for clouds
in all variety
and lazily
watching them
on my back on a summer afternoon

for my wifes sighs

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

rain while listening to Charlie parker

the buildings encroach
the pier juts out at lands end
duck school all swim by


Ah, summer. The laziest, most enjoyable time of the year.The sun made a cameo here for a few days, thereby establishing that it was,indeed, summer.The piers, the parks, the beach,ah,to simply walk the dog, sit on a park bench reading the great Du Fu or Basho is one of the great pleasures of life.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The Northeast has been inundated with rain, i mean serious good old country rain.The sun has been rare,the days not very hot though very humid.The last time I remember this happening was 1988, then 45 straight days of 80+ temps, and high humidity.45 straight days...Being a Met fan is a particular form of cruelty in New York.It's like being the not as good looking near do well sibling.This has been another season of excruciating defeats, injuries, and fan ennui.There was a time when Met fans were acknowledged to be among the sharpest,most intelligent fans.This has past I think.Mostly staid crowds,who are content to cheer mightily when the Yengeez play at Bailout Field,otherwise, the din is a murmer.One of the concessionaires remarked on this to me"You know, if this game was up at Yankee stadium, they would be going nuts.Here, they're talking on their cell phones.What 's up?" I told him I had no idea,though I am starting to wonder if baseball itself is lost on a video as opposed to literary epoch. Could be, things change.