Friday, March 26, 2010


Again, it would seem, I come back to this subject. Civility,or lack thereof , is a pernicious threat to the body politic, our rights,our very existence as polis.The insane rancor over the health care "debate" which was actually no debate but rather the insurance companies and pharma giants waging war,as they know it to be done. The behavior of the porcine politicians ,the lunatic ravings of the radio and fox folk is so repugnant it makes you gag.Follow the money.Find out who benefits most from this, and you will find the real debate.The war in Iraq, who has benefited most ?Certainly no the Iraqi's,nor the Kurds.It is the defense contractors and the oil companies.Is there anyone who still believes this war has been fought over anything other than profits?Does anyone really believe the health care nonsense has anything to do with,well, health care? It is about profit, who controls it, and who controls the debt.Jesus wept...

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