Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So less the better

Fighting the flu for the first time since the early 1990's.It's wearying ,however,there are people who feel like this every single day of their lives.I'll take the hand I've been dealt...a right wing -nut judge in Va. overturned part of the Obamacare bill as "unconstitutional." America has almost vanished,Amerika grows closer.Justice is simply another commodity bought and sold by clerks in business suits...ADvent,onto more and higher thoughts, is 17 days upon us.My favorite time of the year, the weather is cold crisp,clear the air breathable ,I ignore the stores the black Friday bullshit,the Santa Claus monstrosity of consumerism, and try try try to focus on the Lord Jesus.And, I find it keeps me somewhat happy, certainly in tuned to a small stillness which resonates . My wonderful beautiful wife is an Advent person,filled with light and life, intelligence and the deepest compassion of anyone I've yet to know. I remember our first Christmas as parents,poor, tired, overwhelmed constantly [the baby was a week old]out of our depth,and i distinctly recalling that it was the first time i began to understand the Incarnation .We were happy, poor, tired ,confused, frightened, ecstatic.It was Christmas...

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