Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bob Dylan

Well, Dylan has a new album out.Time was, this was huge.For music lovers, it is still. The headline reviews are typical"Dylans Times they are a changin" " a new wind blows",etc, as if this man has not written anything since Blonde on Blonde. If you haven listened, you're missing some of the most beautiful ,vital music of the last 40 years. Love and Theft, Modern Times and now this Tell Tale Signs, which is nothing short of a history of American roots music. Everyone is shocked at Dylans' brilliance on his Theme Time Radio Hour, as though he was a typical airhead rocker. The man is a literal true autodidact genius. It comes forth on this brilliant two cd set[three if you have the $100 bucks for the deluxe version, thanks Columbia/Sony}...Mississippi is worth the price, alone. Nearly a third of the cuts are from Oh mercy, an album with which Dylan has repeatedly expressed disappointment. Included is a cut from the Civil War movie Gods and generals, and some recent live music. Every time this man puts forth a new album, it is invariably posited that "this is his best work since Blood on the Tracks." This time ,they are correct...

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