Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Perhaps civics classes are passe`,lessons in manners appropriate to conduct sounds sounds positively Orwellian.Yet I do wonder. I do not find New York City more inviting or habitable then 30 years ago. It is statistically safer,certainly dirtier, and meaner in every sense. The frightening disproportion between haves and have- nots, the mendacity of the body politic,the general feeling of ennui,the solipsim of new wave artists,the craven heartlessness of the power elite. You would have hoped that the banks and investment firms ,being caught holding up the national treasury in broad daylight, would have added a touch of humility to the argument. I guess not. I am stunned, seriously, at the morality of if I don't get caught,it's not wrong.Cash register honesty is the simplest form, and even THAT appears lacking in the CEO collective conscience. I remember once a group of runners were questioned before a race. Asked if they could take a performance enhancing drug without consequences, would they? 90% answered affirmative. In other words ,I reckon, anything that i can do to get ahead.Sigh. Of course, the flip side is the religious morality, which is cherry picked from whatever sacred scripture one adheres to. The Bible 's condemnation of sexual morality is often trumpeted, the 2000+ citings on poverty and the poor, not so much. Talking about giving all you have is always a metaphor with these folks, but sex,that's literal.Bloviaters. Fear mongerers hiding behind the veil of the greatest person to ever inhabit this planet.Sigh...Jesus wept

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