Tuesday, May 26, 2009

another courageous pick from Obama

So, the treacly spirit of Bill Clinton still reaches 1600 Pennsylvania ave. After eight years of that do nothing weasel, he still influences the white house, with the choice of Juudge sotomayer to fill on the court. Yikes.To stand against wingnut neanderthals like Scalia and his ditto head goofball Thomas, you need fire and ice.Obama, once more egged on by Rahm emmauel[caution! you want to win re-election!} goes safe. Come on Barak, this is not why people voted for you! Not to be safe and be Clinton, that panty sniffing- fence sitting-do nothing. Damn it, man, be bold, dont listen to the advisors[they are doing a bang up job, by the way.}The wackos on the right DONT WANT TO HELP, THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN BI-PARTISANSHIP. They understand only when you let your dog shit in front of them, then run their noses in it. Stop trying to be everything to everybody, fight these fuckers, the ones on your staff especially.

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