Sunday, May 3, 2009

If they came for you...

My beloved wife has one test she puts in her mind for anyone she meets{she is part Romani,so it is historical} If they came to take away the Jews of your city, would you hide them or would you collaborate.Perhaps an odd litmus test,it is indeed a powerful one.Since my childhood the Shoah has haunted me,{ perhaps due to my part Polish heritage?}the overwhelming stories,the almost unspeakable scope and evil. I have read a great deal[ the great Primo Levi of blessed memory, is among the great writers in any language] and tried, in my limited way, to if not understand[it is madness and evil squared] then to simply never to go along with any form of brutality.The agony of survivors and their families is almost nihilistic in it's power ,though somehow, nihilism did not triumph.The question my wife poses might sound odd or even inappropriate,though ponder this:historically,power has always gone after a scapegoat, and Jewish people have always been marked. I hope and pray, sincerely pray, that this question is never ever needed to be asked again...

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