Sunday, September 27, 2009

the Cross

The Cross is the topic that is always mentioned in churches, ranging from the literal to the metaphysical. The Cross, the ultimate beginning of Christianity,is used and mis-used. Listening to talk of"enemies' brought me to ask,did not the cross eliminate the idea of enemy?It's not my decision,my sacrifice that it's dependent upon,it was the sacrifice of Jesus,His forgiveness,his refusal to fight back, his reconciliation on the cross, that forms and informs us as community.The decision to use violence or call someone an enemy is not mine,it was made by Jesus the and for all time. If I listen,truly listen to what He said,then the answer is clear.The application is problematic only as long as I decide to keep my ego upfront.We have,all of us, been reconciled to each other. Now THAT is truly Good News...

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