Tuesday, May 11, 2010


You came in Turquoise
reflected in a blue pool
as first I saw you
your bathing suit
wrapping your body
a mixture
swimmer and
farm girl
looking oddly recognizable
did we meet in a diner somewhere
instantly you dropped hints
in retrospect
I should have noticed
your dream was to
be an Israeli ballet dance
which was odd
since you were neither
nor a dancer
you were
actually a devout catholic
who loved sex
a swimmer
and an occupational therapist
who was crazy about me
and I failed to notice
all of the words in that sentence
it would be volatile
and nasty
then lyrical in bed
so gentle it was crushing
I knew it would end badly
it began over a tea set
escalated from there
i parted with my beloved Indian blanket
friend of cold nights and picnics
as a gift
I thought in my hubris
it would ease the blow
I shake my head at my arrogance
you recovered quicker than I

years later,now married
a word I never associated with you
I received a cryptic postcard
filled with allusions
making sense
only to me
my last contact
it now seems

looking backwards
I know where I had seen you
why you always appeared so familiar
a dream
of sorts
are the Angel
that is used
to model headstones

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