Monday, November 2, 2009

well, some folks in new York will be happy

I loathe the NY Yankees.I mean deep seeded, coursed onto my DNA despise.That said, a lot of folks I know will be overjoyed at the NYY victory.For me, seriously, it is the triumph of the worst parts of American ideals.I have the most toys, the most power, so I win. Screw the rest of you,I play with you only because I have to.And the fans have a sense of entitlement , as though some poor schmuck in Pittsburgh or Houston or Kansas city has no right . It is the triumph of out of control capitalism, and the morons who supposedly run the sport will say"look at the tv ratings the Yengeez draw!" and that will be the end.useless idiots,the lot.sigh...ask most NYY fans who won the series two years ago, and draw a blank response.You see the only team that matters is theirs,they are Yengee fans ,not baseball fans.As if most of them could afford the 2000 dollar seats for a regular season game .2 grand!Holy shit! ain't that america?I got mine now you get yours. sad...

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