Monday, March 9, 2009

Rahman Baba and the theocratic fascists

So, the psychosis known as the Taliban has blown up the shrine of the greatest Pashtu poet of all time, a name revered throughout all Afghanistan ,Rahman Baba.Now, poetry in Afghanistam,Iran and Iraq is similar to,though trumped greatly, our knowledge of popular song lyrics{say, Bob Dylan,Cole Porter, Tupac Shakur and Billy Strayhorn] Homes that possess very little will have a copy of poems by Rahman Baba or in Iran a copy of the Diwan of Hafez. Now, the theocratic goosesteppers have bombed his shrine[the pernicious doctrine of Wahhabism, funded by Saudi petro dollars,which hates.literally hates, Sufism} because woman were found praying there? Now, in the beginning of Islam, the contemporaries of the Prophet ,woman, prayed with him in mosques.So, a religion of beauty,of peace, and poetry is being further distorted by thugs and gangster assholes. Somewhere the Prophet and Jesus must be holding each other ,weeping at the folly.
reading:poems of Hafiz
listening:Bach St Matthews passion,Phillipe Herreweghe conducting

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