Sunday, March 8, 2009


March the 10th is Tibet uprising day,50 years of occupation decimation and ,yes genocide by the Chinese government.The worlds response?Well, let the Dalai Lama take some photos, business is important, free trade leads to free societies. How's that working out? Besides businessmen wetting themselves to do business where the labor is cheap or free[read incarcerated} thereby taking jobs away and farming them out for bigger profit[and like anyone who has ever had enough, businesses want more}.So,China has contributed to the ecological destruction of Tibet?You cant make and omelette without breaking some eggs,eh{Stalin knew his omelettes.Or breaking things} Hey I SAW KUNDUN, I almost cried,man. Isn't that enough?...Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama tries, with the faith of a man attempting to hold back the ocean with a broom, to keep Tibetan culture alive and keep his people hopeful.In the long term,who knows?I have faith ,though, not in power of fascist thugs but in love and service. In the end, the universe is just.Sometimes,the train is a little slow arriving in the station...
Listening:Ornette Coleman Beauty is a rare thing,Philip Glass Music in Twelve parts
Reading:A biography of Maimonides ,poems of the late lamented Sohrab Sepheri

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